Blog creado por la pintora para difundir su obra artistica, la que ha ido evolucionando desde el impresionismo, al realismo y en estos momentos al surrealismo. Tendencia a expresar los sueños y deseos.,
La pintora deja constancia que no participa en Facebook desde hace tiempo.Lo cerró.
Fantastical, allegorical, and arrestingly current, the paintings of Gloria
Helena Rivera Briceño are the epitome of modern surrealism. Rivera Briceño,
by her own admission, is inspired by everything from the purely visual to
poetry, and her canvases are just as likely to show a historical figure as a
flying herd of horses. Some works are laced with the feeling of her country’s
great creators. The work finds harmony in bringing disparate elements together –
allusions to places, eras, personalities, motifs from art history. Each painting
contains a multitude of narrative threads and unanswered questions. The content
of Rivera Briceño’s work, intriguing as it is, does not overshadow her artistic
technique. Working in oil, the artist creates amazingly naturalistic textures. A
realistic ocean, depicted in gentle blues and greens, lies under a boat that is
meticulously rendered – and floats in the air instead of the water. It is this
combination of real world subtlety and impossible situations that makes the work
so vivid.
Rivera Briceño was born in Lota, Chile and today lives in Santo Domingo. She
has exhibited widely in her home country and has also taught painting.
Del 04 al 25 de marzo del 2014 se lleva a efecto en Nueva York, Estados Unidos, la exposición colectiva de pintores de diferentes países "Mélange of Milieu" en la cual la pintora expone tres obras de ella en óleo sobre tela seleccionadas por la Galería.